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Certification of vehicles of historical interest

On the recommendation of the PHILPA, the Ministry of Transport adopted in 1978 the Order No. In 1978, the Ministry of Public Works issued a Ministerial Decision (F 1831/19-1-1978 (B72)), which provided for the limited movement of old vehicles with special plates issued by PHILPA instead of the state plates. This decision was updated and replaced by Ministerial Decision A - OIK. 64079/5984-29/10/2001, Government Gazette No 1512-9/11/2001.

These regulations literally saved the Old Car in the nick of time, since shortly afterwards, the measure of presumption of living expenses was introduced, according to which the use and maintenance of private vehicles constituted a strict presumption of the owners' income. Then the 'withdrawal' measure was introduced, which led to thousands of old cars being pressed into service.

In accordance with the latest amendment of 31/12/2019, which is currently in force, the beneficiaries to issue plates for old motor vehicles are the official representatives of the International Federations FIVA and FIA. 

The current ministerial decision of 31/12/2019

Joint Ministerial Decision (KYA) No. A 82350-3809/2019 FEK 4948/B/31-12-2019 Replacement of A 94748-4130 decision of the Ministers of Finance and Infrastructure and Transport (Government Gazette 570/B΄/2019) regarding vehicles of historical interest and regulation of racing vehicle issues.

Starting 5/5/2023


All vehicles fitted with special plates must be insured, at all times. PHILPA insures through ALLIANZ the first car free of charge for each Member and ensures coverage for any remaining cars at a particularly low premium, commensurate with the very limited use. It is stressed that only insured vehicles may take part in Club events. In the event of not wishing to insure a vehicle, the Member shall sign an Affidavit to this effect and shall bear full responsibility for the consequences of the "Uninsured Vehicle Act".

Selling a vehicle with special plates

Since the end of 2011 PHILPA issues together with the 'FIVA Identification Certificate - FIVA Card' and the 'Vehicle Registration Certificate - PKO' with Greek and English characters, thus providing the possibility for the vehicle to travel outside Greece in order to participate in corresponding events of foreign Clubs. In addition, the possibility of transfer of ownership (by the Secretariat) is provided without changing the special plates. The procedure provides for the relevant declarations in order for the first Owner to be exempted from the civil liability which he bears from any circulation of the vehicle. The Purchaser will be provided with the PIC with his/her details and a new FIVA Identification Certificate-Card will be issued.

Defending and guarding the right of special plates

The State has granted a very important privilege to the true friends of old historic vehicles, i.e. to those who preserve and maintain them out of sensitivity and love, but also as an element with the designation of "Monument of Culture". The defence of this privilege is therefore a self-evident obligation for all of us. It is our duty to immediately denounce any phenomenon of abuse of the special signs. Please inform the PHILPA immediately if you observe any violation of the limits and the spirit of the Ministry's decision. If a car with special plates is used as a common means of transport, even if only temporarily. Report registration number, date, time and place of the incident.  PHILPA will contact the owner, clarify the situation and if it is a repeated offence, revoke the plates.

Useful information

How can I receive plates for my Old Car?
  1. A self-evident condition is that you are its legal owner.

  2. A valid FIVA Recognition Certificate (FIVA Card) has been issued for this purpose,

  3. Submit to PHILPA with the certified true signature Declaration of Receipt of Plates

How is the FIVA Identification Certificate (Card) issued?
  1. It can only be issued for vehicles over 30 years old, which retain their original features and are very well maintained. 

  2. Request by phone from the Secretariat a meeting with a member of the Technical Committee who will visit you to check the vehicle or bring it to the PHILPA Technical Control Center in Gerakas.

  3. Submit the relevant one completed Application

  4. Submit 3 copies of a common size (9X13) color photograph showing both the front and one of the sides (side-front view) of the car, preferably with a neutral background.

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