Tripmeter calibration
To record the deviation of the speedometer and odometer of your classic car (Tripmeter Calibration) with which you participate in Regularity Rallies, follow the instructions below.
Calibration location
E.O. Athens - Lamia
The measurement / adjustment of the odometer is located on the side street of E.O. Athens - Lamia (National Road), entrance from the Varymobopis Junction in the direction of Agios Stefanos (VASSILOPOULOU Supermarket area). The measurement of the distance has been made by marching at a distance of 0.50 m from the white continuous line at the right end of the roadway and is valid only in the direction towards Agios Stefanos (and not vice versa).
Marking of measurement points
Start 0 m.

Before the old blue sign "FIREWOOD" ("ΚΑΥΣΟΞΥΛΑ"). About 700 meters after the Varymombi junction, on the red line on the pavement (pillar base with 4 screws).
End 3,200 m.

A few meters after the entrance of the "DEMO" site, about 200 meters before the entrance of the NIKA factory, at the red line & indication 3.200 on the road (colored curb on the right).
Calibration location
The measurement / calibration of the odometer is located 1.8 km from the junction of Varybobi towards former Royal Estates - Agios. Merkourios. The distance measurement has been made by marching at a distance of 0.50 m. from the white continuous line at the right-end of the roadway. This calibration is completely consistent with the one above on the side street of E.O. Athens-Lamia (National Road).
Marking of measurement points
Start 0 m.

On the red line near bus stop sign
End 2,260 m.

On the red line, approximately 2 meters before the sign