Club history
Since 1972
The first activities related to Old Cars appeared in the mid-1960s when a small group of enthusiasts organized two festive events at the Kallimarmaron Panathenaic Stadium. The second event even included a "racing" route to the Hippodrome in the Faliric Delta. Most of the then surviving "antiques" were enlisted in these events, almost all of which were pre-war models. The success was beyond all expectations and the need for a coherent organization, which could highlight and cultivate the love for the Old Car, was quickly realized.
Thus, in 1972, the first "Friends of the Old Car" (F.P.A.) Association was founded, which was the first home for the Old Car, and was to be the only one for more than 20 years. The pioneers were well-known personalities of the time, coming from the business, political and sports motoring world.
From the first year already , the "International Rally FILPA" was established, an event that became an institution, which in the following years gained international fame and attracted hundreds of Greek and foreign friends and collectors of old cars to enjoy the beauties of Greece, contributing at the same time to the tourist promotion of the country.

Founding members
Konstantinos Kavounidis | Asst General Manager SELL
George Prevelakis | Insurance broker
Grigorios Lazaridis | Merchant
Nikolaos Mastorakis | Journalist
Pavlos Rallidis | Private sector employee
Alexandros Tambouras | Insurance broker
Eleni Arvanitis | Homemaker
Tarnatoros-Anagnostou Georgios | Insurance broker
Laskaris Ioannis | Lawyer
Michael Fosteropoulos | Manufacturer
Isaakidis Konstantinos | Private sector employee
Georgios Raptopoulos | Private sector employee
Michael Golman | Tourist agent
Konstantinos Nikolopoulos | Journalist
TzounisGeorgios | Private sector employee
Kokkalis Pericles | Private sector employee
Jason root | Architect
Commander Charalambos | Private sector employee
Benaki Anna | Lawyer
Kyriakos Konstantinos | General Director of ELPA
Andreadis Alexander | Mechanical Engineer
Konstantinos Fostiropoulos | Manufacturer

The symbol
The emblem (sign or logo) of the club, the "karamouza" is not accidental, it is the work of the great Greek-British graphic designer, designer and director Freddy Karabot, who has been a friend and member of the club since the first steps. Karabot, collaborating with the artistic couple Michalis and Agnis Katzourakis, left the biggest mark on Greek design of the post-war era, creating emblems, posters, brochures, programs, advertisements for the EOT, for festivals, for events, as well as for its pillars rising post-war Greek economy, ETVA, ETE, Bakako, Kris-Kris, El Greco, Ivi, Varagi, etc. His parallel directorial activity was related to several short - but not only - films, which were mainly aimed at promoting the tourism of Greece and were financed by the state.
The PHILPA logo, based on the classic "karamouza" (horn) of the first vehicles, refers to the ultimate concept of the Old Car, exhibited together with most other works by Freddy Carabot in the relevant exhibition hosted by the Benaki Museum, a few years before the artist's death. Freddy Carabot passed away in October 2011, aged 87. The emblem has been modernized over the years to keep up with the times but always with absolute respect for the original design. About 20 years ago it was placed in an orange oval frame while in recent years it has been embraced by a laurel wreath symbolizing the winner.
PHILPA is also one of the oldest members of the "Federation Internationale des Vehicules Anciens - FIVA", enjoying through this status and relationship, contact with the dynamic international movement of old cars, but also acquiring voice globally around its object.
As the official representative of FIVA in Greece for many years, we acquired an approved institutional role close to the State, helping to understand the breadth and impact of the issue. The most important result of this collaboration was the issuance of a Ministerial Decision in 1978, regarding the granting by PHILPA of special registration plates allowing the limited use of Old Cars. This Decision (Τ 1831/19-1-1978 Β΄72) was particularly important, since it effectively separated the Old Car as a cultural object from the modern one, laying the foundations for the development of an entire industry and ecosystem that today includes a large number of active Clubs Nationwide, Federations, Synergies, Merchants, Insurers, etc. creating and maintaining thousands of jobs.
In its 50 years of history, PHILPA has continued the institutional defense of Old Cars, for example against insurance companies, but also with its events it has spread the value and transmitted the love and passion for them to many, while taking care to keep them always "healthy" and admirably on the road, where they belong.
Today's tally counts hundreds of events (rallies, tours, navigations, exhibitions, restoration and beauty pageants) that gave thousands of old vehicles a reason and reason for life, saving them from retirement and disappearance. To date, thousands of vehicles of all kinds have been rescued by FILPA members, which have been restored, thanks to the Association's moral and practical support.

In recent years, PHILPA pioneered the establishment of a healthy Greek Federation, "EO PHILPA", with more than 20 active members, which aims to synchronize the activity of all other Associations, which in the meantime were established, are being established and are operating throughout the country.
The PHILPA Admin office daily processes the applications for issuing the special plates, while the Technical Committee checks the authenticity of the cars in accordance with the strict specifications and practices of FIVA, issuing the corresponding certificates. Services addressed to the true friends of old cars (30 years old and over), allowing their necessary circulation for their repair and maintenance as well as for their participation in official events of the Clubs!
In 2011, a big dream of PHILPA and its numerous members came true: the acquisition of a privately owned home! Since the beginning of 2012, PHILPA has been located in its own home in Gerakas, Attica. The club has a community room which is comfortable, pleasant and accommodates both its members and members of other clubs, while it also houses "E.O. PHILPA". In addition to member meetings, a variety of informative and educational seminars, screenings and presentations are organized.